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Steps for Creating a Global Agreement

Everything you need to create a partnership with a university abroad.

Step 1: Potential Partnership/Agreement Initiation

The initiating faculty or staff should first consult their proposed partnership/agreement with a department head or unit director, college dean or other relevant officials. The discussion should include how this partnership will benefit OSU and/or their unit, the potential collaborative activities, expected outcomes, etc.


Step 2: Proposal of the Partnership/Agreement

Please review the global agreement database. If the proposed institution is in the database, please contact OSU Global to learn about this existing partnership. If the proposed institution is not in the database, please complete and submit the online justification form. Randy Kluver, Associate Provost of Global Partnerships, will be in contact to provide assistance and guidance on the proposed activities and partnerships.


Step 3: Drafting the Agreement

Please review the types of agreements. OSU Global will assist you to develop the agreement draft. It is highly recommended to use approved templates to reduce the review time and process. If the international partner has provided a draft, please send it to OSU Global to start the reviewing process.


Step 4: Review and Negotiation

OSU Global coordinates with relevant units on campus to ensure the proposed partnership/agreement complies with all rules and regulations at federal, state and university level. Once the agreement is finalized at OSU, it can be shared with partner institutions for their review and approval.


Step 5: Approval and Routing for Signatures

OSU Global coordinates the routing and agreement-signing processes. Once all signatures are obtained, OSU Global will make copies and distribute them to the initiating department, partner institution and other necessary units. All final agreements sent to OSU Global for digital archiving and database entry.


Step 6: Assessment & Renewal

The initiating faculty or department should make efforts to ensure the proposed outcomes are reached. OSU Global works with the initiating department/unit to develop an assessment plan and timeline for partnership review.



To renew an agreement, the faculty or department/unit need to submit a new justification form, outlining the progress of the activities/partnership. The renewal procedure follows the same steps as proposing a new agreement.

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