Frequently Asked Questions
- Is the Humphreys Travel Grant the same as the Humphreys Study Abroad Scholarship administered
by the Center for Global Learning?
No. The Humphreys Grant and the Humphreys Scholarship are two separate award opportunities with two separate applications. The Grant is merit-based while the Scholarship is need-based.
- Who is eligible for Humphreys Travel Grant?
Any OSU student with a long-term (8 weeks or more) overseas study or internship proposal. Undergraduates and graduate students at all levels are eligible. There are no restrictions on subjects or degree programs.
Any OSU undergraduate or graduate student at any level and in any program or major is eligible to apply. International students are eligible to apply.
Program proposals should outline plans for a long-term (8+ weeks) educative experience such as study abroad, an internship abroad, or research abroad.
- Do I receive academic credit for my time overseas?
Enrollment for academic credit is a requirement of the Humphreys Travel Grant. The number of credits and the degree requirements they meet will vary based on the type of overseas program you are proposing (a semester studying abroad may include 12 credit hours; a student doing an internship may only need to enroll in 3 credit hours to meet their degree requirement). Students are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific experience and credits while abroad.
Are there limits on where I can go?
While preference is given to programs outside of Western Europe, students are encouraged to apply for programs in locations where they can best accomplish their proposed study program, project, or activity.
Please note that some countries have active Travel Warnings and Travel Advisories as issued by the U.S. State Department. Students should review up-to-date U.S. State Department Travel Advisories for any country where they are proposing a project or study program.
- What is the deadline for application?
There are specific deadlines for each term of the OSU academic year. Students are expected to apply well in advance of their proposed departure. This allows for the Chairs to review and decide on applications as well offers plenty of time to complete required paperwork before departure. Applications will NOT be accepted after the given term deadline, so please plan accordingly.
Students should apply for the application term corresponding with the term they are proposing to be abroad. For example, if you are proposing to study abroad in the Spring, you would fill out the Spring application for the Humphreys Travel Grant. For academic year long programs, apply for the term your program starts. For example, if you are planning to study abroad from August until May, you would complete the Fall application and be sure to outline the details for a year-long program.
Humphreys Travel Grant Application Deadlines:
Fall term applications open on February 1st and close on August 1st
Spring term applications open on June 1st and close on November 1st
Summer term applications open on December 1st and close on June 1st - How are awards decided?
When a student applies for the Humphreys Travel Grant, the faculty Chair for their respective college is most often the Chair who will review their proposal and decide to provide funding or not to provide funding. For example, a College of Arts and Sciences student’s application will be reviewed by the Humphreys Chair for the College of Arts and Sciences.
After reviewing your application, your respective Chair may reach out to you and request to meet to discuss your application further. Alternatively, your Chair may contact you with questions via email or phone. A Chair may also have no further questions and may not need to contact you before deciding.
Once a decision has been made, the applicant will be contacted by OSU Global’s Scholar Program Coordinator who will provide a letter from the Chair announcing the funding decision.
- Is financial need a criterion for an award?
No. Proposals are considered based on merit alone. The best applications come from dedicated students who prepare robust applications which answer all the questions and provide ample detail about the proposed experience. The budget proposal of a good application is well researched and realistic.
There is no need to submit FAFSA documents or other financial information. However, any additional support for the proposed project from other sources (such as other study abroad scholarships and awards) should be reported and will be considered when determining funding decisions.
- Is there a standard or established award amount?
No. Program budgets will vary based on length, location, program type, and more. As such, each applicant must research and complete a detailed budget estimate detailed for their specific experience costs. All or part of the proposed budget may be awarded.
Should your proposal be approved, the amount indicated in your award letter is the funding amount for which you have been approved. This is the funding amount which will be processed as a scholarship and dispersed to the Awardee via their OSU Bursar account.
- How do I create a detailed budget estimate? What do I need to include?
A detailed budget estimate helps the Chairs determine how much money to award you to cover the expenses associated with your proposed project, program, or internship.
You want to pay close attention to this part of the application. You can strengthen your application by preparing a detailed budget which is realistic and reasonable. It should be realistic in that you should research online to determine actual and estimated costs for program expenses. It should be reasonable in that the Humphreys Travel Grant is not designed to cover all the costs of a proposed program.
Expenses to consider for your proposed budget:
- Airfare (roundtrip)
- Ground transportation in country (taxis, bus fare or pass, trains, etc.)
- This includes to and from your final destination to the airport of travel as well as daily transportation costs (bus fare, taxi fare, etc.) - Rent/Housing (on campus housing, renting an apartment, renting an AirBnB, etc.)
- Food (think in terms of the monthly grocery budget, not eating at restaurants each meal)
- Passport or visa costs
- International travel insurance
- Tuition
- Program fees
- Conference fees
- Books and supplies
- Licenses or permits
- Participant/Observer expenses
- Trips & tour fees
For Chairs to award funding to the maximum number of students, you will also be asked to disclose other sources of funding for your trip, including both funding you have received and funding for which you have applied or intend to apply.
- The program I am looking at does not have room and board in the cost, so how do I
calculate that?
If room and board are not included as part of a program, you will need to investigate your ideas and plans for housing while abroad and plan based on those costs. For example, if you do not have the option to live on campus, you will need to determine if you wish to rent an apartment, rent an Airbnb or the like, arrange for a host family stay, etc. Determine what is possible, what is reasonable, and what you want to do, then research more specifically to find estimate or actual costs for your housing arrangements.
For determining food costs, applicants are encouraged to research the average grocery costs for one month in their proposed host city or country and base their cost estimates on these figures. For example, if your location has an average household grocery cost of $200 US for one person and you propose staying there for three months, you would estimate $600 US for the food budget for the experience. If you have difficulty finding grocery/food cost estimates, consider contacting the Scholar Program Coordinator or the Humphreys Chair for your college of enrollment for assistance.
- If my Humphreys Travel Grant application is approved, can I apply for other study
abroad awards?
Yes. The Humphreys Travel Grant award does not preclude application for other scholarships through the Center for Global Learning, departmental scholarships, or other sources (such as the Bailey Award in the College of Arts and Sciences). However, support cannot be simply “piled up” ; it is possible that a fully funded Humphreys Travel Grant proposal may not be supplemented by other awards since this would be a detriment to opportunities for others.
Part of the budget portion will ask you to detail other sources of funding for this trip, including both funding you have received and funding for which you have applied or intend to apply.
- If I receive an award, how are funds disbursed?
The Humphreys Travel Grant is processed as a scholarship via OSU Scholarships and Financial Aid, and award funding is dispersed via the Awardee’s OSU Bursar account.
No funding can be released until all required paperwork has been submitted. We do have the option to help an Awardee purchase airfare using their Grant funding prior to departure, with the cost of the airfare being deducted from their total funding amount before dispersal. In this way, except for purchasing airfare for travel to and from the host country, no funding can be provided in advance of departure and arrival in the host country.
Awardees are required to complete pre-departure paperwork prior to leaving the United States for their funded program. Failure to complete required travel documents could result in a withdrawal of award funding. Once pre-departure paperwork is complete, Awardees are expected to complete either an Enrollment Verification form (for study abroad programs) or a Program Verification Report (for internships and research) within five days of the start of their program.
Once an Awardee submits their respective form, the OSU Global Scholar Program Coordinator will approve the release of award funding into the Awardee’s Bursar account. Funds will roll into the Bursar account overnight.
Important Note: The award funding will pay any outstanding Bursar balance first before offering the remainder of the award to the student as a credit. Example: if an Awardee received $5,000 in Humphreys Travel Grant funding and owed $1,000 to the Bursar, when the award is released, the funding would pay the $1,000 Bursar bill first and then provide the remaining $4,000 to the student as a credit. There is no manner in which to bypass this application of the funding: in all cases, the Bursar bill will be paid first before remaining funding is offered as a credit.
The OSU Bursar will process any account credit as a refund to the student. By default, refunds are processed as a paper check which is mailed to the US address the student has on file with the university. Students do have the option to connect their Bursar account to their personal bank account via direct deposit. For directions on how to set up direct deposit, read the instructions found here.
Paper check refunds may take one to two weeks to process and arrive at the US address listed in the student’s file. Direct deposit refunds are processed more frequently and process faster: if direct deposit is connected, an Awardee should receive their refund within two to three business days of the application of the credit to their Bursar account.
For questions about Bursar policy and procedures, please contact the OSU Bursar.
Office of the Bursar
113 Student Union
405.744.5993 - Will the Humphreys Travel Grant have an impact on my financial aid?
The Humphreys Travel Grant is reported to OSU Scholarships and Financial Aid, and as such, the award funding is calculated along with other sources of financial aid such as scholarships and loans.
Every student’s financial aid situation is different, so there is no way for a Humphreys Chair or the Scholar Program Coordinator to definitively say if accepting a funding offer will impact an individual’s financial aid packet or not.
Your financial aid is your responsibility. Students should be proactive in reaching out to discuss their financial aid package, total cost of attendance, and pending award funding offers with a financial aid advisor in OSU Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Students can decline the Humphreys Travel Grant funding or ask their Humphreys Chair to reduce the pending award offer if they determine doing so is in the best interest of their financial aid package. A financial aid advisor may assist in making this determination.
For questions about financial aid and how accepting the Humphreys Travel Grant may impact your financial aid package, please contact OSU Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid
119 Student Union
405.744.6604If you have a special or unusual circumstance, call (405) 744-7295 to make a phone appointment with a financial aid counselor.
- Am I responsible for prepaid expenses if I do not go on my planned travel program?
Yes, you are responsible for all expenditures from the awarded grant amount.
For example, if your airfare is purchased in advance and you do not use it, you are fully liable for the expense and will be expected to reimburse the Humphreys Travel Grant program. The award will be revoked, charging your OSU Bursar account for the prepaid expenses which need to be reimbursed.
- Are there special additional requirements associated with accepting the Humphreys
Travel Grant?
There are three primary obligations that Humphreys Travel Grant Awardees are expected to complete after the conclusion of their experience abroad.
- Provide a minimum of five high-quality digital photos which you feel best capture your experience abroad. The majority of the photos should feature you as the Awardee involved in activities or experiences specific to your program and/or host country
- Provide a minimum two-page written narrative about your experience, such as what you did, what you learned, how you grew, how your perspectives shifted, how this experience aligns with and prepares you for your future academic and career goals, etc.
- Attend the Humphreys Grant Awardee Luncheon in the Fall semester following your experience abroad. Usually planned for November each year, the Luncheon offers Awardees a chance to attend a come-and-go luncheon and to meet Don and Cathey Humphreys and mingle with their fellow Awardees. More details are provided closer to the event date.
Students who graduate or move away from Stillwater before their respective luncheon term are not expected to attend the luncheon; in such cases, students will offer a thank you letter or note to be given to the Humphreys in lieu of attending the luncheon.
Photos and written narratives are to be emailed to the OSUG Scholar Program Coordinator within thirty (30) days of return to the United States following the end of the experience abroad. Failure to provide these deliverables may result in a reduction of 10% of the total award amount, which will be charged to the Awardee’s Bursar account.
For further questions about the Humphreys Travel Grant program obligations, please contact the Scholar Program Coordinator.
- Where should I direct questions I may have about the program expectations or my ideas
for a proposal?
You are welcome to contact any of the Humphreys Chairs to discuss your ideas and plans for your proposed project or experience. You are also welcome to contact the Scholar Program Coordinator for more assistance.
If you are proposing an internship or research idea, it is also a good idea to discuss your plans and goals with your trusted faculty members, academic mentors, and support people.