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OSU Global

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This area focuses on global trade and economic development, with studies in trade policy, macroeconomic policy, political and legal structures surrounding global trade. This focus area is appropriate for students wishing to enter careers in international business, government, public service, institutional development, consulting, trade development, policy analysis and economic development.


Students in this track will take 9-12 hours, equivalent to 3-4 courses, from the courses listed below. 


Prefix Course Name
 GS 5333  Certified Global Business Professional
 MKTG 5553  International Marketing Strategy
 AGEC 5343   International Agricultural Markets and Trade
 MGMT 5743   International Negotiations
 ECON 5603   Global Economics
 DHM 5663   International Merchandising Management 
 FIN 5213  International Finance
 BAN 5733   Business Analytics
 MSIS 5313   Production Management 
 EEE 5403   Social Entrepreneurship
 GS 5020   Independent Study in Global Studies
 GS 5070   Special Topics in Global Studies

Other course as approved by the Director of Academic Programs.