OSU Scholarships & Grants
OSU Institutional or Enrollment-based Scholarships
Funding for study abroad is often dependent on the program and applicability to your major. Reciprocal exchange programs enable you to keep most OSU enrollment-based scholarships and OSU tuition-waiver scholarships. Some OSU scholarships will not apply to Affiliated/Approved (Transfer Credit) programs. Scholarships not dependent on resident enrollment at OSU are the best way to fund these transfer credit programs. If you have a tuition-waiver scholarship or similar OSU enrollment-based scholarship (Regents, Valedictorian, etc.), be sure to defer it so it can be used when you return. The appropriate form is available in the Scholarships and Financial Aid Office, 119 Student Union. All students seeking aid should meet with Scholarships and Financial Aid before making their final program selection to be fully informed on their funding options.
Note: In addition to these general campus scholarships, most academic colleges and many departments offer study abroad scholarships as well. Be sure and check with your program for additional funding opportunities!
Click on the links below for more information on each scholarship opportunity:
For additional scholarship information specific to each college, students should contact their department's Study Abroad Coordinator.