Funding for Graduate Students
OSU graduate students participate in international programs through many avenues and
as such the funding available is varied. This information is designed to give graduate students a starting point for searching
out funding.
Note: In addition to these general campus scholarships, most academic colleges and many departments offer study abroad scholarships as well. Be sure and check with your program for additional funding opportunities!
National Study Abroad Scholarships
This program awards scholarships to American undergraduate and graduate students to study in foreign countries and world regions critical to U.S. national security. NSEP awards are available for a maximum of $10,000 per semester or $20,000 per academic year. The competition is merit-based. Students may apply for study in summer, fall, and spring.
Deadline: Mid-January
Contact: Dr. Steve Hallgren
(405) 744-7204
Rotary Scholarships
Scholarship provides funding for various types of study in another country. This award is intended to help cover round-trip transportation, tuition, fees, room and board expenses, and some educational supplies up to U.S. $23,000 or its equivalent. Apply one year in advance.
Deadline: See website for details.
Contact: Dan Tilley
422 Ag Hall, Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK, 74078
(405) 744-6180
Fulbright US Student Program
Over 1500 grants for individual research and English teaching abroad area awarded each year.
Contact: Dr. Steve Hallgren
(405) 744-7204
OAS Fellowships
The fundamental objective of the Organization of American States (OAS) is to promote the economic, social, scientific and cultural development of the Member States in order to achieve a stronger bond and better understanding among the peoples of the Americas. The OAS provides several hundred fellowships for graduate studies and research throughout the Americas.
Deadline: Jan. 15
Mitchell Scholarship (Ireland)
Post undergraduate study, in Ireland, to recognize Senator George Mitchell’s contributions to Irish peace process. All costs plus travel. Application early-October of senior year.
Contact: Office of Scholar Development
334 Student Union, 744-7313
Gates Cambridge Scholarship (UK)
Graduate study at the University of Cambridge, sponsored by the Gates Foundation. Apply to Cambridge by early October.
Contact: Office of Scholar Development334 Student Union
Marshall Scholarships (UK)
For 2-3- years study at any school in the UK. Nearly 40 awards given every year to students with highest scholarship/leadership credentials. Intense application process, including interview requirement. All costs. Apply early fall of senior year.
Contact: Office of Scholar Development334 Student Union
Rhodes Scholarships (UK)
The Rhodes Scholarship is available to graduating seniors and graduate students for 2 years of study at Oxford University. Application is highly selective and competitive, and students must be endorsed by their schools. Several interviews required. All costs. Application early -October of senior year.
Contact: Office of Scholar Development334 Student Union
The American Scandinavian Foundation Awards (Scandinavia)
Grants and fellowships for post-undergraduate study in Scandinavian countries. Awards range from grants (normally $4,000) to fellowships (up to $20,000).
Deadline: November
Huntington Public Service Award
For any graduating senior who wishes to pursue public service anywhere in the world.Amount of Award: $10,000 for one year.
Deadline: mid-February
Additional Sources of Aid
Study Abroad Scholarship Listings
General Scholarship Listings
Country Specific Scholarships
- Info on funding for study in the United Kingdom -
- Info on funding for study in France -
- German Academic Exchange Service provides info on funding and study in Germany -
- Funding for study in Japan -
- Funding for study in Canada -
Create a Campaign
- Create a campaign, set a goal of funds you need to raise, and allow family members, friends, or anyone, to contribute money into an account for your specific study abroad experience -