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student in hawaii with nse

"Having the opportunity to participate in the National Student Exchange was an experience of a lifetime. While being on a beautiful island, I was able to not only take courses that pertained to my Marketing major, but also courses unique to the University of Hawaii. I would recommend NSE to any student who has a heart for exploring and is looking to learn outside their comfort zone."

- Madison Heavener (left)
OSU Marketing and International Business Majors

What is the National Student Exchange?

The National Student Exchange (NSE) is a consortium of over 170 universities in the United States and Canada. The NSE was established in 1968 and has had more than 120,000 students participate in exchanges. Students exchange for a semester, academic year or summer. In order to participate, students must meet the following requirements: 

  • Minimum of a 2.5 GPA
  • Complete at least 1 academic term before applying
  • Be in good standing on home campus

Visit the NSE website

How does it work? 

Students can choose to participate in the National Student Exchange through Host Pay or Home Pay. In Host Pay, the student temporarily transfers to a host university and pays resident tuition and fees there, as well as living expenses. While federal financial aid applies, OSU-specific scholarships do not. All credit will be awarded as transfer credit. In Home Pay, the student remains enrolled at Oklahoma State University while studying at a host university. The student pays tuition and fees at OSU, just as if he or she were here, but all housing, meals and other costs will be paid at the host university. Most OSU scholarships and financial aid will apply as usual on Host Pay. 


Want more info?

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How to Apply?

Learn about the application process and apply by the February 15 deadline.
Students will work with their home campus NSE coordinator and academic advisor to plan for their study away. Campus placement is determined by payment plan options, academic programs, enrollment limitations, housing availability and the number of applicants. Your NSE coordinator will assist you to determine the likelihood of placement. Learn more about the application process and how to begin. 

OSU National Student Exchange Coordinator Contact

For questions regarding NSE, please contact:

Center for Global Learning Oklahoma State
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