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Center for Global Learning

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Celebrating 25 Years

The Study Abroad Office becomes the

Center for Global Learning


Stillwater, Oklahoma - Oct 29, 2021- As part of Oklahoma State University’s 100th Homecoming Celebration, OSU Study Abroad and National Student Exchange hosted a reception to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Office. As part of the celebration, the School of Global Studies and Partnerships announced the expansion of the current office into the Center for Global Learning. This expansion is part of strategic efforts across campus to increase accessibility for more OSU students in not only study abroad programs, but global internships, research, and service learning projects as well.


In the 25 years since founding the Office, OSU has sent over 15,000 students on high-impact global learning programs. Restructuring allows OSU to increase critical international partnerships and serve a larger population of students with branded programming abroad and courses designed to prepare students as tomorrow’s global leaders. The Center for Global Learning aims to increase student participation in global academic programs to 25% of all OSU students expected to engage in study away programs by 2027.

In addition to high-impact learning for students, the Center for Global Learning plans to orient itself around significant global initiatives such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, a key strength of the University. “As a land-grant university, OSU is dedicated to service,” Jeff Simpson, Director of the Center for Global Learning shared. “We want to help our students and faculty interact with and learn from communities across the globe and engage in efforts that bring positive change to Oklahoma, the nation, and our world.”


From the office’s inception in May of 1996 and building on a long history at OSU of
international engagement, the Study Abroad and National Student Exchange Office strives to improve and increase service to students, faculty, and the global community. The updated identity of the Center for Global Learning continues this legacy.